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Date   : Sun, 01 Jun 2008 19:14:35 +0100
From   : bbcmailinglist@... (Ian Wolstenholme)
Subject: Econet Library Directory (and some quick questions

I think originally the Econet software was supplied as a disc with
the File Server code and the Library and Utility directories on the same
disc, for the utils to be copied up onto the network (or onto a Master
disc) when the network was running.  The versions of the File Server
code floating about on the internet don't seem to have the Library
utilities included.

This link will download a zipped ADFS disc image (in .ADL format) 
containing the File Server code (version 3.92 with the date fix
included) and the BBC B Library, Master series Library and Utils
directory.  It is a dual format ADFS/Econet Level 3 disc with the
Library and Utilities already in the Econet partition, so you can
also use the disc as a file server disc running on a Level 3 system:


BBC Model B Econet utilities tend to run at &E00, hence the
further increase in PAGE when the Econet interface is added,
whereas Master series library utilities generally run at &DD00
which is not available on the Model B, so there are different
versions of the Library utilities for the Model B and the Master,
and it's important not to confuse the two.

ANFS on the Master Series allows an alternative library to be
used, called Library1 and this directory should be used for all
the Master 128 library utilities.

[32-bit machines also have a separate library called ArthurLib
for similar reasons].

To use the alternative library on a Master 128 station, use
*OPT 5,1 to turn on the FINDLIB function.

ANFS also has the option to increase page from 3584 to
4096 to reduce the possibility of utilities written on the
BBC B using the Econet workspace overwriting the user
RAM.  Use *CONFIGURE SPACE to set this.

There are two file copiers available for transferring from
discs to Econet.  Use COPYFILES for DFS discs.  This can
also be used for most other file transfers across filing
systems.  For copying between ADFS discs and Econet,
use LOGCOPY which is a directory logical copier.

Hope this helps.

Best wishes,


----- Original Message -----
From: Andy Ford [mailto:acorn@...]
To: bbc-micro@...
Sent: Sun, 01 Jun 2008 15:00:26 +0100
Subject: [BBC-Micro] Econet Library Directory (and some quick questions forour
Econet experts)


I was just wondering really... Just three quick questions for our Econet 

My econet will be running in a few days (I had it just about alive using 
two M128's yesterday) , just waiting for some components to get my B on 
instead of the M128 client.

When you create (level 3 but floppy disc based) , a new disc, you are 
asked about a master directory. I understand this is for copying the 
Econet utilities to that disk (I assume these live in the Library directory)

1. Apart from the well known Remote / View / Notify etc, what else 
should be (ideally) there ?

2. I am (unless I overlooked it, which is quite possible!) , unable to 
find a disc image of the utilities disc too... As when these were new 
was there not a disc with the server software on and also a utils disk ? 
and what does this contain (anyone got a directory listing to hand) ?

3. Finally, what is the best way for me to easily move some programs 
across from DFS to Econet ? (Can anyone recommend the best utility to 
use for it please) Was there not a program (I'd guess on the utilities 
disk) to transfer files over easily) ?

Thanks in advance :)


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