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Date   : Sat, 31 May 2008 09:36:59 +0100
From   : dominic@... (Dominic Beesley)
Subject: [RE: BBC]  eBay item, Listing Recogniser

If you want to run Firefox or even Netsurf you need at least 128Mb I'd say -
I've got 96Mb and often wish I had more

I suspect you _might_ be able to harvest the right sort of RAM chips from
old upgradeable graphics cards?


-----Original Message-----
From: bbc-micro-bounces+dominic=brahms.demon.co.uk@...
[mailto:bbc-micro-bounces+dominic=brahms.demon.co.uk@...] On
Behalf Of Tom Walker
Sent: 30 May 2008 15:41
To: bbc-micro@...
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] [RE: BBC] eBay item, Listing Recogniser

>1. What do?you think of item: 110228176397?? (just type this number into 
>search), a Simtec 16/32 MB Risc PC expandable?
>Are the RAM chips still available.?Will it improve?the speed of the 
>standard?RISC 600 much???

I doubt the RAM chips are easily available. It won't improve the speed of
the RiscPC much, adding memory to a RiscPC doesn't speed it up in the same
way that it speeds up a PC or Mac. It will only allow programs that need
more memory to run at all. I can't think of much reason for more than (say)
16mb in a RiscPC, and if you want to upgrade standard 72pin SIMMs will be
cheaper and easier to come by.


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