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Date   : Thu, 03 Apr 2008 18:03:58 +0200
From   : daniel.g@... (D.G. van der Pol)
Subject: Monitors

I have quite a lot computers which rely on lowscan monitors or  
televisions. As a lot of my monitors from Philips broke down on me  
with a big flame from the HT transformer, I decided to buy a LCD  
television/VGA monitor with both composite and RGB inputs.
My Samsung SM910MP is great, playing with my BBC and have Picture in  
Picture to watch TV!
This should take me another 10 years until I have to find another  
solution for the defective monitors.
Good luck!

Dani?l G.

Op 3-apr-2008, om 15:56 heeft francis@... het volgende geschreven:
>> Hi all,
>> What are you guys using for BBC monitors these days?
> I'm using an Acorn AKF18 (14" multisync monitor supplied with some  
> 32-bit Acorns), and a cable that I made with resistors on the R,G,  
> and B lines and with the BBC's Csync output wired to Hsync on the  
> monitor (possibly with a resistor, I can't remember).
> I'm sure the AKF18 won't last forever, so what I'd ideally like is  
> a scan-converter type piece of hardware that upscaled to  
> 1280x1024.  Because 1280x1024 is a multiple of 640x256 and the  
> other beeb resolutions there'd be no blurring when displaying this  
> on a 1280x1024 LCD (and it'd also look nice on CRTs).   
> Unfortunately I'm not really a hardware person so I have no idea  
> how difficult it would be to make such a piece of hardware.
>> I'm looking to hook it up to a 1084s. My choices are to clip the  
>> RGB and
>> feed the analogue input, or feed the digital input. But I still  
>> have to
>> generate H/V sync from the sync output of the BBC... anyone  
>> already doing
>> this out of interest?
> I think that you can get seperate H and V sync signals from the  
> pins of one of the chips inside a BBC, but as others have mentioned  
> feeding a 1084s with Csync you won't need them.
> Regards,
> Francis
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