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Date   : Thu, 03 Apr 2008 15:56:02 +0200
From   : francis@... (francis@devrx.org)
Subject: Monitors

>Hi all,
>What are you guys using for BBC monitors these days?

I'm using an Acorn AKF18 (14" multisync monitor supplied with some 32-bit
Acorns), and a cable that I made with resistors on the R,G, and B lines and
with the BBC's Csync output wired to Hsync on the monitor (possibly with
a resistor, I can't remember).

I'm sure the AKF18 won't last forever, so what I'd ideally like is a scan-converter 
type piece of hardware that upscaled to 1280x1024.  Because 1280x1024 is 
a multiple of 640x256 and the other beeb resolutions there'd be no blurring 
when displaying this on a 1280x1024 LCD (and it'd also look nice on CRTs).
 Unfortunately I'm not really a hardware person so I have no idea how difficult
it would be to make such a piece of hardware.

>I'm looking to hook it up to a 1084s. My choices are to clip the RGB and 
>feed the analogue input, or feed the digital input. But I still have to 
>generate H/V sync from the sync output of the BBC... anyone already doing 
>this out of interest?

I think that you can get seperate H and V sync signals from the pins of one
of the chips inside a BBC, but as others have mentioned feeding a 1084s with
Csync you won't need them.



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