Date : Thu, 27 Mar 2008 18:42:18 +0000
From : navalenigma@... (Steve O'Leary)
Subject: Retro Software site launch
> From: info@...> To:> Date:
Thu, 27 Mar 2008 18:31:57 +0000> Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Retro Software
site launch> > In article <c9ae1fc80803270716o31615509wc5172c44960011a3
at>,> samwise <samwise@...> wrote:> > > How
do I get posts to the forum to come to my email inbox, and how> > > do I
post to the forum via email?> >> > Is web access a real problem for you?
I believe Firefox is freely> > available for Risc OS and would allow you
to post to the forum over> > the web and> > I suspect it's not the web access
that's the hard part, it's that if I'm> interested in say 30 different subjects
I'd have to go and log in to all 30> forums (apologies to any Latin scholars)
to see what'd changed.> > With an email interface it all gets delivered at
my door to digest at> leisure,> Sprow.
That's not the case for any forums I've been a member of. All without exception
have the ability to email you when something in a subject your interested
in changes. You can set a setting in your preferences so that if you contribute
you will always be told of new contributions. And even if you don't post
you can still mark anything your interested in as being "watched" so that
you get emails when something changed.
Maybe you've you used some quite old forum engines ? I've not seen anything
that didn't inform you in at least 6 or 7 years.
Win 100?s of Virgin Experience days with
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