Date : Tue, 25 Mar 2008 10:43:08 -0000
From : acorn@... (Andy Ford)
Subject: Help with setting station number on M128,
Just a quick one. :)
I need to set the Station ID on my Master 128.
I tried to use Ian's (Beebmaster) program to set the station Id on my Econet
Enabled 128. However, it ignores the change.
I reset the CMOS and tried again without luck. It has set itself to 253.
I would like it to be station 254 ideally (File server)
The only thing I can think of (I do not have a M128 guide to hand) , when
I ran through the setup on the Welcome Disk, I set the default FS to 0.254
on that screen (not sure of the proper name for it, the config program included
in the Welcome Disk)
I understand it is on one of the Econet disks too (a "Set" program) if i
remember correctly ?
Can someone point me towards which disk ( I should be able to find it ;)
) , recommend an alternative please or give me a pointer ( I may have just
over looked something simple :D )
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