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Date   : Sun, 23 Mar 2008 17:10:40 -0000
From   : acorn@... (Andy Ford)
Subject: Econet Terminator (circuit / wiring diagram)

Thanks for the extra information. I have actually found a description of 
what I need in my documents now. Although why I could not find it before I 
am not sure.

I cannot remember where I found it originally, but I will post it here 
incase it helps anyone else...

"A three-resistor divider chain, 1K0 at the top, 220R in the middle, 1K0
at the bottom, connected to ground (pin 2).  Data+ (pin 1) goes to the
to of the 220R, Data- (pin 4) goes to the lower end.  A pair of 56R
resistors goes from each of Clock+ (pin 3) and Clock- (pin 5) to the
top of the upper 1K0.  A 10 uF electrolytic goes from the junction of
the 2 x 56R and upper 1K0, to ground."

I just need to grab some veroboard (or something similar) at some point. I 
have already made a couple of socket boxes and two terminator boxes (minus 
the internals)


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ian Wolstenholme" <bbcmailinglist@...>
To: <bbc-micro@...>
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2008 3:08 PM
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Econet Terminator (circuit / wiring diagram)

Somewhere I have the directions on how to make an SJ-type terminator
plug.  I'll try and dig these out if anybody wants them.

In the meantime, there are instructions on how to convert an Acorn socket
box into a terminator box here, which might help:


It doesn't need to be anything fancy, I think you can solder the resistors
directly onto the cable at the end of the network if need be (although this
would limit expansion possibilities).

Of all Econet "essentials", the terminators are the least essential and you 
get away without them on a very short network, although I wouldn't
recommend it for any long-term installation.

If you are just trying out Econet with two stations then you can get away
with two Econet leads and a Level-3 type Clock, just plug one lead into
each Beeb and into the Clock and you will have a useable Econet without
any terminators or socket boxes.

Best wishes,

----- Original Message -----
From: jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston) 
To: bbc-micro@...
Sent: 23 Mar 2008 00:30:01 +0000
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Econet Terminator (circuit / wiring diagram)

Mike Tomlinson wrote:
> >    Anyway, does anyone have a useable circuit diagram / wiring diagram
> >    for a terminator please ?
> page 78 of this document:
> http://www.astro.livjm.ac.uk/~bbcdocs/econet/EconetAUG.zip

That's an active terminator, only suitable for an Acorn clock. If
you're using an SJ clock, you need a passive terminator.

J.G.Harston - jgh@...                - mdfs.net/User/JGH
In 1939 $50 of groceries would fill three station wagons. Today I
can lift $50 of groceries with one hand. I must have got stronger.

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