Date : Wed, 27 Feb 2008 12:22:16 +1000
From : bdevries@... (Bob Devries)
Subject: Dead BBC B
Is there a downloadable document describing fault-finding techniques for the
BBC B? Something that has lists of symptoms, and likely faults associated
with them, and/or common faults and their fixes?
Regards, Bob Devries, Dalby, Queensland, Australia
Isaiah 50:4 The sovereign Lord has given me
the capacity to be his spokesman,
so that I know how to help the weary.
my blog:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Devries" <bdevries@... >
To: "bbc-micro@... " <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2008 11:02 AM
Subject: [BBC-Micro] Dead BBC B
>I have a dead BBC B here, which used to work.... not too long ago.
> It's an Issue 7, fitted with a disc interface (8271), no econet or voice
> chips.
> IC51 is ...PB04, IC %@ is ...PB05 IC88 is a DFS EPROM (2764).
> Links are: S20 North, S21 both East/west, S22 North, S25 north, S26 West,
> S31 East, S32 West, S33 West.
> The Beeb powers up and hums, but no BEEP. No video.
> Power supply voltages all good, Shift Lock LED is on. All dip switches
> beside the KBD are east.
> Any clues?
> --
> Regards, Bob Devries, Dalby, Queensland, Australia
> Isaiah 50:4 The sovereign Lord has given me
> the capacity to be his spokesman,
> so that I know how to help the weary.
> website:
> my blog:
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