Date : Thu, 21 Feb 2008 20:30:08 +0000
From : navalenigma@... (Steve O'Leary)
Subject: Cross Assemlby
> From: tom@...> Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Cross Assemlby>
No automated way of reloading disc images mid-run though I'm afraid, you
> have to mess with the UI or quit and run from command line again.
Swift IDE manages this when using BeebEm as the emulator, if you click the
"Build and run in emulator" button again, it will close the last instance
of BeebEm it opened and start it afresh with no need to interact with BeebEm
at all.
When time permits other emulators will be supported.
Who's friends with who and co-starred in what?
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