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Date   : Thu, 21 Feb 2008 15:26:12 -0000
From   : dominic@... (Dominic Beesley)
Subject: Cross Assemlby

Yes, I started on an OSLib clone for the BBC Micro, the difficult bit being
to trap OS errors and return them as os_error objects, I got this working
but then got distracted by other things, like getting a job!

The difficulty getting anywhere with the Master is that it still has pretty
limited memory in one block (although shadowing the screen is a big help!).
I never got so far into the internals of cc65 to work out how I could get
much more for the memory but was looking into getting much of the C runtime
into a ROM, loading that to sideways RAM and statically linking to entry
points in this. 

I had some success but can't remember exactly what I did! The problem seemed
to be working out how to do "far" pointers into ROM / SRAM code and somehow
paging in the right ROM/SRAM depending on part of the pointer without
slowing everything down to a crawl...

Anyway if anybody wants to take up that baton please do....I'm busy with
lots of other projects at the moment, maybe later in the year....


-----Original Message-----
From: bbc-micro-bounces+dominic=brahms.demon.co.uk@...
[mailto:bbc-micro-bounces+dominic=brahms.demon.co.uk@...] On
Behalf Of Anders Carlsson
Sent: 21 February 2008 11:39
To: bbc-micro@...
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Cross Assemlby

Dominic Beesley wrote:

> Or my bodged/patched version that has a specific BBC target:
> http://brahms.demon.co.uk/software/bbc/index.html

Is there any progress in including the BBC into the main distribution? I 
gather the major issue when it comes to adding new targets to cc65 is to 
write OS compile time libraries.

I like the idea with Contiki on a Master: powerful machine with plenty of 
RAM and expansion options. Many of the original Contiki 1.X ports never took

off to their fullest due to limitations in memory, disk, networking or all 
of those. The current 2.X branch barely covers 8-bit platforms these days, 
but there is ongoing work to backport it.

Sigh.. with the exception of Apple II and Oric, I have almost every 6502 
based home computer now, but so little time and motivation to explore them 
beyond the most basic usage. If I spend some time programming, it tends to 
be for one of the Commies because I already know them so well. The BBCs, 
Electron, Atari 8-bits and Laser have to sit there unused.


Anders Carlsson

bbc-micro mailing list

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