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Date   : Thu, 21 Feb 2008 08:04:30 +0000
From   : navalenigma@... (Steve O'Leary)
Subject: Cross Assemlby

 From: bdevries@...> To: peejaygee@ukonline.co.uk; bbc-micro 
at lists.cloud9.co.uk> Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 11:11:50 +1000> Subject: Re: 
[BBC-Micro] Cross Assemlby> > Paul said:> > I was wondering if anybody has 
(or knows of a direction to go) dealt with > > Cross-Assembly using a PC 
and a beeb Emulator....> > Yes! Have a look at RainbowIDE here: http://www.rainbowide.com/> 
> While not *specifically* targeted to the Beeb, it does support 6502 code.
> Roger Taylor (the author) is very approachable, so maybe he'd be willing
to > make it more Beeb friendly.
Try Swift, it's like RainbowIDE but is specifically aimed at the BBC Micro. 
Will do various things such as support multiple assemblers and will assemble 
and auto launch and run your code into an Emulator (but only supports BeebEm 
at present) at the touch of a single button. Works very well with the P65 
assembler and extends it's basic ".require" statements with a new ".merge" 
statement making it easier to write modular code without label clashes. 
Also supports the new BeebASM assembler by Richard Talbert-Watkins (but 
".merge not supported in BeebASM). Does loads of other stuff as well such
as having a built in Hex Editor for raw data and is based on the idea of
a "Project", managing all the various files that make up your work.
It's downloadable from here;
Ensure you download the latest version (2.0) though. You'll find some rough
and ready tutorial video's no there too so you can see what it does.
Telly addicts unite!
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