Date : Wed, 20 Feb 2008 18:10:56 -0800 (PST)
From : cjl_craves@... (Peter Craven)
Subject: BBC-FPGA/ Electron
That's a bit harsh - probably have a few fuming Electron users out there !!
Which reminds me - does anyone have a spare Electron Transformer they do
not need?
Picked up an Electron recently. Back in lat 80s, the Electron was the first
Acorn I could afford. Fond memories. Did not really miss the use of Mode
7. More missed the speed and the ease of screen control/ scrolling on the
BBC. Never caught up with how they did scrolling on the Electron - does anyone
know how?
Pete Craven
----- Original Message ----
From: Alex Taylor <>
To: bbc-micro@...
Sent: Thursday, 21 February, 2008 5:05:38 AM
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Status of BBC-FPGA
On 20/02/2008, Mark McDougall <msmcdoug@...> wrote:
> For those interested, tonight I got modes 0-6 working, and added colour
> (incl) flashing support.
If you'd targeted the Acorn Electron instead, you'd be almost finished
by now :-)
Alex Taylor
bbc-micro mailing list
Get the name you always wanted with the new y7mail email address.
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