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Date   : Thu, 21 Feb 2008 01:01:23 -0000
From   : peejaygee@... (Paul)
Subject: Cross Assemlby

Dear All,

Apologies if this has been brought up before, but I did download the 
Archives and did a search for a few key words and nothing come up.....

Ok where do I start....

Machine Language on the beeb that I remember, was done though the basic 

Now in the modern age, and the ease with Emulators and Cross Assembly, I was 
wondering if anybody has (or knows of a direction to go) dealt with 
Cross-Assembly using a PC and a beeb Emulator....

Ok, as an example, I write something in notepad, a DOS program converts it 
into a format that the machine understands and I drag and drop the new 
created program into the emulator, and execute a command (or it auto runs) 
and the program I've written runs....bugs and testing later, I then create a 
"!Boot" etc on a disk image, transfer back to a real disk, onto a real 
Beeb...(that's the plan ultimately)

I've been doing this on the C64 (WinVice Emulator) for a few years now, but 
I would really like to have a go with the BBC varieties....

Has anybody attempted this?


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