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Date   : Tue, 19 Feb 2008 12:23:08 -0500
From   : charlesb@... (Charles Blackburn)
Subject: BASIC error message - "Mis..."?

So you're well used to taking a peek or too then giving them a poke eh :P

sorry i couldnt resist

anyways, i had a thought about this (been reading intently), could it be
something as simple as flushing the print buffer or something like that?

iono, may be totally on the wrong track here.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark McDougall" <msmcdoug@...>
To: <bbc-micro@...>
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 06:36
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] BASIC error message - "Mis..."?

> Jonathan Graham Harston wrote:
>> BASIC never checks any I/O locations. No language ever checks any
>> I/O locations. It's the Operating System that deals with I/O
>> locations. Any access to I/O locations is done by asking the MOS
>> to do something.
>> Stop thinking about BASIC interacting with the hardware. It never
>> does. BASIC will function fully and correctly as long as the calls
>> to the entry points at &FFxx do their function.
> I understand that!!! What I meant was that inducing a "Mistake" in BASIC may
> call a MOS ROM routine that does some I/O that is not done during the
> boot-up sequence. I very much doubt that the boot-up sequence accesses and
> checks _every_ bit of _every_ I/O location on the machine, so chances are my
> implementation is lacking in areas that are only exposed when certain
> behaviours are induced, eg 'Mistake', regardless of the fact that the BASIC
> ROM is calling MOS routines to access hardware.
> Trust me, I'm *intimately* familiar with the concepts of OS entry points,
> hardware abstraction layers and platform-independent code...

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