Date : Mon, 18 Feb 2008 11:49:32 +0000
From : navalenigma@... (Steve O'Leary)
Subject: Serial transfer between Beeb and RISC OS
> Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2008 23:10:33 +0000> From: beeb@...>
To: bbc-micro@...> Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Serial transfer
between Beeb and RISC OS
> > There was a commercial application produced that came with a serial
> > cable to connect to your Beeb so you could transfer files either way.
I > > have a copy and the cable but I seem to remember it took over the
> > machine (even though it had windows). 95% sure it produced by BeeBug,
> > but memory flaky. I don't know whether it would work on an Iyonix.>
> Watford Electronics. It was written in the days of Arthur/RISC OS 2, so
> it single-tasked, contained its own copy of the RISC OS fonts for trying
> to make things look prettier, and used *FX commands for direct access to
> the serial port (it was before the standard serial-port block drivers >
were devised). Doesn't seem to work on my Iyonix.>
Really quite sure mine is not Watford Electronics... the title "Beebug Archimedes
Serial link" on the actual disk label feels very strong in my memory. I will
try and check tonight in by old box of disks.
..... Pause while surfs....
There was a Beebug serial link according to some posts on Usenet, so I'd
warrant that's what I have as I can't think why I'd think that otherwise.
I don't remember the Watford one.
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