Date : Tue, 05 Feb 2008 11:27:53 +0000
From : tom@... (Tom Kranz)
Subject: Music 2000 midi interface?
Excellent, thanks for that - that site is hugely useful.
On 31 Jan 2008, at 16:35, Mike wrote:
> I have a Music 500 unit and the Ample ROM, and I'm starting to
> tinker with
> them again.
> Does anyone have, or know where to get, schematics for the Music
> 2000 MIDI
> interface?
> I'm guessing no-one has one lying around they want to get rid of,
> and I've
> never seen one for sale, so I'm guessing my best chance is to build
> one from
> scratch.
> Ther is a lot of info, plus a schematic on:
> You'll also need to dig out the driver software, (I think Colin has
> that
> too)
> You will be running in 'Music 5000' mode to make it work, by the
> way, which
> works best on a Master 128, though if you have the AMPLE ROM, I
> guess you're
> running that way already.
> ||\/||ike
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