Date : Sat, 12 Jan 2008 06:28:57 +1000
From : bdevries@... (
Subject: Archimedes in Australia?
"Anders Carlsson" <anders.carlsson@...> wrote:> Alex
Taylor wrote:> > > I work in a school where one of the senior members
of staff is from> > Australia. I'll ask him if he's ever had any
experience of Acorn stuff> > over there.> > Isn't it more likely
that schools in Australia used the Microbee 32 and 128 > models? I don't
know what they would have upgraded to in the 16-bit era and > later, but
perhaps PC compatibles took a bigger market share if there was > little or
no other competition.> > How common were Acorn BBC and Archimedes
computers in the Republic of > Ireland? Canada? Hong Kong? :-)> >
RegardsIt is my understanding that most primary schools here used Apple
Macintosh computers whne they upgraded to 16 bit. That's certainly the case in
my state (Queensland).
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