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Date   : Fri, 28 Dec 2007 01:47:50 +0000
From   : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: DFS Imager

Michael Howard wrote:
> >> I'm looking for some software to image the numerous DFS (and
> > See http://mdfs.net/Apps/DiskTools
> I indeed, visited the site you suggest above, but, either I'm blind, or
> the page content assumes a certain level of knowledge beyond my own.
> There is nowhere that I can see that implies I can create a disk image
> from a single sided, single density (100k) DFS disk.
BACKUP - Copy sequential disk to/from image file.
Runs on BBC
CHAIN "BACKUP 0 adfs::1.image/ssd 80 1"
...will create a file called ":1.image/ssd" on the "adfs" filing
system, containing "1" side of "80" tracks of the contents of
the FM (DFS) disk sectors on drive "0".
At the prompts enter:
Source drive: 0
Dest. drive: adfs::1.image/ssd
Number of tracks: 80
Number of sides: 1
Number of tries: <return>
...will create a file called ":1.image/ssd" on the "adfs" filing
system, containing "1" side of "80" tracks of the contents of
the FM (DFS) disk sectors on drive "0".
DiskToImg - Copy 400K (256*10*80*2) disk to image/Copy image to
Runs on RISC OS
CHAIN "DiskToImg"
At the prompts enter:
Source drive: 0
Dest. file: adfs::4.image/ssd
...will create a file called ":4.image/ssd" on the "adfs" filing
system, containing two sides of 80 tracks of the contents of the
FM (DFS) disk sectors on drive "0".
Modify the REMs near line 8 to change the disk size imaged.

J.G.Harston - jgh@...                - mdfs.net/User/JGH
The most perfect world is an imperfect world as the imperfections
give people a reason to strive to change it.

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