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Date   : Mon, 24 Dec 2007 23:57:16 +0100
From   : kortink@... (John Kortink)
Subject: DFS Imager

On Mon, 24 Dec 2007 20:42:56 +0000, Michael Howard wrote:

>Hello and a Merry Christmas to you All,
>My appologies if this has been done to death but I'm looking for some 
>software to image the numerous DFS (and ADFS but I have that sorted) 
>floppies I have lying around. These are old BBC/C & Electron 5.25" 
>floppys and although I still have beebs/elks I would prefer not to use 
>software such as 'xfer' over a serial cable to a PC/RiscPc.
>Anadisk is brilliant at copying disks, but I don't want duplicates of 
>the physical media, just images to save to backup media.
>I've tried Omniflop on a PC with both a 3.5" & 5.25" attached but it's 
>not been at all successful.
>I have an A5000 withh a Cumana 5.25" drive attached and can read these 
>discs using !DFSreader. What I would like is something that can grab the 
>images in such a format that I could restore them should the need arise 
>in the future. BBC/Risc OS/Windows based, any would surfice but as I 
>say, I cannot get Omniflop to play ball.
>Hopefully somebody has been through this already and could pass on their 

You have GoMMC. What stops you using that ? Copy from
physical floppy to MMC or from MMC to physical floppy
on a BBC with disc drive, and backup/restore the images
via a PC with flash card reader.

Unless your BBC does not have a disc drive, of course.

John Kortink


Email    : kortink@...         
Homepage : http://www.inter.nl.net/users/J.Kortink

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