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Date   : Sun, 02 Dec 2007 21:59:56 +0000 (GMT)
From   : info@... (Sprow)
Subject: 101 uses for a speech system (number 97)

Back at the end of 2005 when I made available TMS5220/TMS6100 speech system
chips once more (with the data PHROM being reprogrammable too) I challenged
buyers to send me "It is your destiny" from the Starwars films encoded for
the speech system - the first to do so would get their money back.

Well, there weren't an overwhelming number of attempts in comparison to the
number of speech systems sold, so it's time to close the competition and
show you how to do it (sort of).

I couldn't actually find a good clear WAV file of Mr.Vader's famous words,
there was music in the background so it didn't encode very well. Instead
I've chosen 4 other famous sound bites and used those instead.

You can now download this PHROM from
it has a conventional header so the phrases can be called from BASIC with
  SOUND -1,word_number,0,0
with the word number as listed along side.

I was quite impressed at what could be squeezed out of the chip:

What is thy bidding (WAV=26004B,TMS6100=461)
Asta la vista babe (WAV=38738,TMS6100=569)
One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind (WAV=106588,TMS6100=1355)
Mmm, beer (WAV=31046,TMS6100=547)

Respectively these are 56:1, 68:1, 78:1, 56:1 compression ratios. Put
another way it's 12.53 seconds of speech in 2932 bytes of ROM, so room for
about another minute's worth in the chip at those rates.

Of course, it's all just a bit of fun,

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