Date : Thu, 08 Nov 2007 03:26:48 -0800 (PST)
From : cjl_craves@... (Peter Craven)
Subject: ROM / RAM boards...
Could these be use on the Master Turbo? If so does anyone have they are willing
to sell??
Dr Peter Craven (MBBS Uni. of Qld)
877 Wynnum Rd
Cannon Hill
Australia 4170
----- Original Message ----
From: Pete Turnbull <pete@...>
To: BBC Micro List <bbc-micro@...>
Sent: Thursday, 8 November, 2007 6:22:33 PM
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] ROM / RAM boards...
On 08/11/2007 02:41, Peter Craven wrote:
> How many ROMs could this hold at a time?? Was there any space available
> for SRAM?
The ATPL Sidewise board provides 12 ROM slots, which become slots 4-15
in the BBC scheme. The original 4 slots on the main board are slots
0-3. Each slot is provided with one 28-pin socket to hold either an 8K
ROM/EPROM or a 16K one (some slots can also hold a 4K device), except
slot 15, which has two sockets, so you can fit a pair of 8K devices if
you prefer, rather than a single 16K one. These two devices have to be
the upper and lower halves of a single ROM image, though, not two
different smaller images. Those sockets can also hold SRAM chips, and
there's provision to have battery backup for them. It's also possible
to write protect or disable that slot, as we've mentioned.
The board also has sockets for the MOS ROM and the uPD7002 ADC chip,
because it fits into the sockets for those two devices. That's where it
gets address, data and control signals and power. It also has two small
flying leads fitted with connectors to fit in place of link S21, which
is where it gets the rest of the ROM bank control signals it needs.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
bbc-micro mailing list
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