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Date   : Wed, 07 Nov 2007 17:08:39 +0000
From   : robert@... (Rob)
Subject: ROM / RAM boards...

On 07/11/2007, Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...> wrote:
> I just need the least painful route (which probably rules out the ROMEX board
> as I really can't be bothered cutting wires and soldering to a new machine) so
> adding some more expansion capability. I'm leaning toward the Sidewise boards
> as one of those has all its pins bar one, unless someone thinks otherwise...

I have no experience of the Aries offerings, but I've still got a
sidewise board (bought new 25 years ago..) and it's definitely pretty
simple.  Unplug the MOS, put it in the matching socket on the board.
Ditto for the ADC chip I think; it's one at the back of the board.
Board then plugs into the sockets you just freed up, along with two
trailing wires onto an existing link under the board somewhere.  No
controller ROM or software required, it's dead easy.  I've got the
manual (and box) still, I can scan if you really can't find the
instructions online anywhere.

Socket 15 on the sidewise is split (optionally, set a link) into two
8K sockets into which you can put one or two 8K SRAM chips.  Another
link enables writes to that socket.   ATPL chose to use the "any write
access hits the RAM whatever the currently selected ROM" method, so
you can just *LOAD romfile 8000  and it works.  Can be iffy with some
protection schemes though, so there's a link to disable writes.   I
(and most other serious users I imagine) took this out to a switch on
the back, (along with, I think,  the 8K/16k switch, because you could
disable a corrupt ROM by swapping out the bottom 8K!)


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