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Date   : Tue, 06 Nov 2007 09:40:33 +0000
From   : beeb@... (Kris Adcock)
Subject: Different monitor specs...

Pete Turnbull wrote:

> You might also check out some low-cost flat-screen monitors.  Some of 
> them are designed to work as TV displays, and will handle horizontal 
> rates in the 15kHz range as well as signals in the VGA (etc) ranges.

I'll second that. I recently bought a Dell 21-inch monitor from a local 
electronics-geekery shop for 140 quid. On getting it home, I was 
pleasantly surprised to find that its native resolution is 1600x1200 
(not 1280x1024 as I'd expected) and that it has VGA, DVI, S-Video and 
composite-video inputs! A rather stonking monitor, that helps me with 
everything from Beebs, DVD players, consoles, my own video circuits, PCs 
... So I've managed to throw-away a couple of dust-gathering monitors, 
which I had only kept around for the blue-moons when I needed them.

The only thing this monitor won't do is RGB at the resolution of a Beeb. 
But I keep meaning to buy one of those PlayStation screens off eBay for 

On the subject of Cubs ... am I the only person who is very bothered (to 
the point of nausea) about the noise they make? I've had lots of these 
(I had a collection of nearly 30 at one point, because I had an idea 
about making a video wall, or novelty hamster cages) and they have ALL 
made such an irritating whine that I was never able to spend too long 
working on a Beeb - I just dragged in a 14-inch portable from the house 
and used that instead. I know I have very sensitive hearing, but doesn't 
it bother anyone else? I (just speaking personally) would probably not 
bother lumping one to the States.



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