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Date   : Wed, 31 Oct 2007 13:34:40 +0000
From   : andrew.chesterton@... (andrew.chesterton@ntlworld.com)
Subject: Non BBC-B related

> From: Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
> Date: 2007/10/31 Wed PM 12:16:31 GMT
> To: bbc-micro@...
> Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Non BBC-B related
> Rob wrote:
> > I've got one in the cupboard that i got off the local freecycle group
> > a while back.  No disc drive unfortunately, but it did come with a
> > joystick and an asteroids game cartridge..
> heh heh. I've got to fine my 32K one later as it's off to a new home. I'm 
> keeping the Dragon 64 though I think (it's got the disk drive and a boat-load 
> of original disk software, including OS-9)
> > So who's got the details on turning it into a 6809 second processor
> > for a beeb, and something to run on it therafter?  (Not that I've got
> > room at the moment...)
> Yes, somewhere. There was a two-issue article in a magazine (What Micro I 
> think) called 'Dragon in the TUBE' way back when. I had the first part, and 
> someone kindly scanned the second part for me a year or two ago.
> Things are all upside-down here right now, but if nobody else has it then prod 
> me again in a month or two and I can probably dig it out.
> 'something to run on it' is more tricky. I think the one covered in the 
> article was designed to run FLEX (OS-9's little sibling), but of course the 
> FLEX version produced for the article is nowhere to be found. FLEX for a 
> different system could be adapted I suppose given sufficient determination to 
> hack I/O drivers, but it's not exactly a trivial project.
> Acorn did a 6809 board for the System bus, incidentally - so there was 
> official 6809 hardware for Acorn machines.

I have an STEbus unit in the loft somewhere with a 6809 processor card and 
a BeeBop board, this linked into the 1MHz bus of a BBC Micro and with the 
help of a ROM allowed the BBC direct access to the STEbus. The only software
that I have for it is some test software for a Loughborough Sound Images
TI320C25 DSP card. If anybody has anything for the 6809, I would be really


> cheers
> Jules
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