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Date   : Wed, 31 Oct 2007 12:38:56 +0000
From   : Steve.Lancaster@... (Steve.Lancaster@Moorestephens.com)
Subject: Dragon 32 / Coco

Hi Alex

I have a Dragon 32 and 128k Coco 3 in my collection.

The two computers are compatible in various shapes and forms - the 
cartridge games for the Dragon work on the Coco and vice versa (although 
some of the later Coco carts are designated for the Coco 3 only and will 
not work on the Dragon). Also, the Dragon joysticks work on the Coco.

On the Dragon software archive, there are numerous .WAV images you can 
download and load them into the Dragon via the tape lead and laptop. I 
have not tried any of these on the Coco yet but I doubt the vast majority 
will work.

Some software houses launched cassette software that will work on both 

Since the Coco was immensely popular in the US there is still a huge fan 
base. Try the Cloud 9 website - I have just purchased a CF IDE device for 
my Coco. I do not know if it works on the Dragon yet.

Anyway - time to go back and get my GoMMC installed and running.


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