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Date   : Wed, 24 Oct 2007 23:59:21 +0100
From   : ats@... (Adam Sampson)
Subject: Teletext adaptor ROM?

Hi all,

I've just been given two dead Issue 7 BBC Bs to get going -- turns out
one had a duff power supply and the other had a completely different
fault (displays the "BBC Computer / BASIC / >" message on startup with a
continuous tone, doesn't respond to keyboard input), so swapping the
power supplies resulted in one working machine.

It's got three ROMs in:

- IC51 (the leftmost ROM socket) is "8322 / HN613128PB04 / (C)ACORNJAPAN
- IC88 (the middle ROM socket) is "CN61014N / 00201666-03 / (C) ACORN /
  KK8437 -W";
- IC101 (the rightmost ROM socket) is "8308 / HN613128PB05 / (C)

By comparison with the other one, I assume IC51/101 are BASIC and DFS
1.20. The owner's apparently got an Acorn teletext wedge around
somewhere but doesn't know if he's got the ROM for it; does anyone know
if IC88 is one of the teletext filing system ROMs -- or, if not, what it
might be?

*TELETEXT produces "Bad name" (whereas on my DFS 0.90 machine it
produces "Bad filename"). *HELP just lists "DFS 1.20 / DFS / UTILS / OS

(I have a copious supply of 6264s from a previous project, so I can
arrange for some sideways RAM to copy an image of the ROM into if it
doesn't turn up -- but I'd rather have the real thing!)


Adam Sampson <ats@...      >                         <http://offog.org/>

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