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Date   : Thu, 18 Oct 2007 01:09:32 +0100
From   : julesrichardsonuk@... (Jules Richardson)
Subject: ROMs - 0201,241 and 0201,666

Jonathan Graham Harston wrote:
>> Message-ID: <47137425.30808@...>
> Jules Richardson wrote:
>>> 0201,241 is the MOS/BASIC ROM from a B+, which is 256Kbit
>> Ahh. I got confused; the ROM was from an ACW, which has it's own separate
>> - I presume then that they just moved the stock B+ MOS/BASIC over to a
>> different socket and used it for BASIC ability only...
> I thought the ACW /was/ a B+. My Reuters Terminals are certainly
> B+s.

It is - but both my ACWs have an ACW-specific ROM in the 'OS' socket (IC71 
from memory), and the B+ MOS/BASIC is moved to a different socket.

That's why it threw me, as I was expecting the ACW ROM to replace the MOS 
completely (and also provide BASIC) - I've not checked the ACW MOS ROM for 
BASIC, but I'm suspecting it's not there, and that's the reason that the 
normal B+ MOS ROM has been retained.

I had a quick flick through the service manual, but it seems to just give ROM 
jumper strappings and doesn't detail what a "standard set of ROMs" for an ACW 
is. (I've never had an ACW owners' guide, but I suspect it might be detailed 
in there. I think I know someone who has one though, so I'll see if I can get 
it copied at some point)



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