Date : Sat, 13 Oct 2007 18:21:28 +0100
From : julesrichardsonuk@... (Jules Richardson)
Subject: Panos Technical Reference Manual
Jonathan Graham Harston wrote:
> J.G.Harston wrote:
>> Has anybody seen the Panos Technical Reference Manual? Not the
>> Programmer's Reference Manual (0410-012) which was supplied with
>> the ACW and the 32016 CoPro, but the Technical manual, available
>> as a seperate order.
> In one of those limbo moments when drifting off to sleep I was
> sure I had read it. A bit of rummaging around and it turned out I
> have had it on a bookshelf for the last 12 years! I have scanned
> it in and put it, along with all the other Panos documentation, at
Easy as that? Blimey. Whenever I scan anything it takes a few minutes per
page, and I get bored rather quickly :-) (I do sort-of have access to a
scanner with an ADF, but there's no way I'd go chopping the spine off
something like a Panos manual...)
> Still looking for the 32016 Instruction Set Reference. I've been
> struggling through the Series 32000 DataBook which gives the
> opcode bitmap breakdown, but has no examples of how the code is
> supposed to look like.
Hmmm, I would have thought the manual for the assembler had that sort of thing
in, but I just looked and it's a bit on the useless side :)
I don't think we have anything at the museum other than the Natsemi databooks,
which you've already got. If I remember I'll have a look at the Whitechapel
manuals though, as those machines were 32016-based and might have some useful
details in (but being UNIX machines they probably didn't expect you to go
futzing around at the binary level :-)