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Date   : Wed, 26 Sep 2007 18:49:55 +0100
From   : bbcmailinglist@... (Ian Wolstenholme)
Subject: : What's this plug on the back of a Master?

I have a Cox 630B genlock board with a CD containing images and
information on fitting it to a BBC Master.  I don't remember this
particular connector being involved though and I'm not aware of 
any software for the board.  I bought it from 8BS some years ago
when I was first getting into Domesday, thinking at the time that
the genlock was part of the BBC rather than the LV-ROM player.

Best wishes,


----- Original Message -----
From: Jules Richardson [mailto:julesrichardsonuk@...]
To: bbc-micro@...
Sent: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 18:14:07 +0100
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] : What's this plug on the back of a Master?

Tim Matthews wrote:
> But what appeared to be a Master had this plug on the back which I
> hadn't seen before.

My beeb (M128) with a Cox 630B genlock had exactly that connector on the back 
(although not as nicely fitted as that one :-) BNC's interesting though; mine 
didn't have that.

I don't have any software or docs for my board so never tried to do anything 
with it; I've heard of one other board out there (possibly a second now!) and 
I believe the owner of that one made some progress in getting it to do something.

Anyway, not at all common (assuming that is indeed what you've seen), so worth 
preserving if you can!



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