Date : Tue, 25 Sep 2007 12:47:25 +0100
From : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: : ARM7 Evaluation System & BBC/ Master
"Peter Craven" wrote:
> I am assuming this is a really stupid question because I could not quickly
> find much on Google, but was a C++ Compiler ever built that could be used on
> ARM7 with a BBC/ Master?
The standard gcc compiler can target the ARM. A lot of C++
compilers are simply a preprocessor to a C compiler.
To create an object file that runs on the ARM CoPro you would need
suitable libraries. Effectively, the CoPro MOS is a primitive
Arthur, so the Acorn OS-only libraries may be suitable.
To be able to /run/ a C or C++ compiler on the ARM CoPro should
only require the compiler suite itself recompiling targetting the
ARM with appropriate libraries.
A C compiler came with the ARM Eval. It's worth having a play
with that to see if it will run on the ARM CoPro. Then it would
be a case of needing a C++ frontend for it.
I expect the RISC OS C compiler won't run on the ARM CoPro as
it is tied to RISC OS, not just to the ARM.
> Does anybody have a copy of the ARM Evaluation Software and Documentation?
I only have the Springboard software at http::/
J.G.Harston - jgh@... -
HADFS System Resources -