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Date   : Wed, 12 Sep 2007 11:22:40 +0100
From   : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: IDE Interface and Level 3

>Message-ID: <46E50888.1080308@...>
Chris Priest <chris.priest@...> wrote:
> So, If you are saying that the modified WFSInit requires a completely
> blank ADFS drive,
No, not a blank drive, a drive that hasn't had WFSInit applied to
it. Anyway, I've added the required code to actually examine the
drive to discover the physical size if the 'read physical size'
call does not respond. It's a bit fiddly editing compressed code :)
WFSInit uses the free space at the end of the ADFS file structure
to store the network disk structure. To stop ADFS overwriting it
the removes that space from the ADFS free space map and reduces
the 'disk size' setting in ADFS's free space map.
So, if you have 200K of data on a 30M drive and do *FREE you will
get 200K used, 29.8M free. After using WFSInit you will get 200K
used, 32K free. The 29.8M has vanished from what ADFS can see.
A bonus of the patch to WFSInit is that it correctly initialises a
floppy as a fileserver disk, as floppies don't have any way of
responding to a "physical disk size" query, but they have a
logical disk size in the free space map.
>          I would not be able to have an ADFS partition on the
> drive and boot the L3 fileserver software from the Hard Disc?
> I would still have to continue booting from the floppy?
You should be able to boot from the hard drive. Copy the relevant
programs (eg !Boot, FS code, StartFS, whatever) to the hard drive
/before/ using WFSInit

J.G.Harston - jgh@...                - mdfs.net/User/JGH
United Kingdom Tercentenary : 1707-2007 : http://yr300.org.uk

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