Date : Wed, 12 Sep 2007 10:17:19 +0100
From : Charlie.Robson@... (
Subject: 3.5' Drives (Again..)
> Hello
Hi Peter!
> I am looking at purchasing some Amiga 3.5" floppy drives for the Master/
> BBC.
You could also use Atari ST drives as I do.
> I could not easily find a simple answer to either of the following in
> Archive:
> 1. Can any 3.5" Floppy Drive be used on the Master/ BBC? Could someone
> indicate a Website where information re: required adjustments can be
In my practical experience, no. Although on paper the drives 'should' be
able to handle being driven in the way required for the beeb, I have tried
upwards of 15 drives and the only one I had success** with was the Atari
drive. Some might seek, some might even read track 0. But in all cases
& play was not possible.
There _may_ be some compatible drives out there but again in my personal
practical experience modern floppy drives are built for PC. They are not
readily user-configurable. There is just no need.
> 2. Do wires have to be twisted for connection? There seems to be varied
> opinions?
Absolutely No. I just use a regular bbc floppy cable. The twist is for PC
drive identity hacking.
** Success = plug in drive, read & write floppy.
Sophos Plc, The Pentagon, Abingdon Science Park, Abingdon,
OX14 3YP, United Kingdom.
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