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Date   : Sat, 01 Sep 2007 16:48:04 +0200 (BST)
From   : johan@... (Johan Heuseveldt)
Subject: Inter-Sheet, second ROM question


Recently Inter-Word was in the picture here. As I needed to check an
Inter-Sheet EPROM I just got, and also some manuals, I started Googling
on these CC items. 

First I came across <http://www.fortunecity.com/skyscraper/hirez/422/>
and loads of ROM images are listed, but the actual downloading fails

I had better luck with <http://nvg.ntnu.no/bbc/rom/>

According to a A4 sized leaflet, Inter-Sheet is in two ROMs. Later
developments - like Inter-Word - have a special small board underneath
the ROM, so they look like a single ROM to the system. As Inter-Sheet
was one of the first, I think it was never distributed liked that. The
exeption is a single ROM of 32K ready for B+ and Master, but still needing
two ROM numbers from the system.

When installing my Inter-Sheet ROM and typing '*IS.', I get

  SHEET ROM not installed

This /does/ make sense as both ROMS have a big 'SHEET' on them, where
only the first has the much smaller 'Inter' on it at the left of the
big 'S'.

According to the leaflet mentioned above, the first ROM could
be used on its own with the loss of the ROM-LINK facilities and
'multiple spreadsheets etc.', whatever the 'etc.' means.

I've put the ROM in the Master - slot 6/7 - and tried to extract two
16 K images from it, but only one resulted. The other is garbage,
reading noise from the data bus I reckon.

As the leaflet seems from the start, showing Inter-Sheet and Inter-Chart
as available, while only announcing Inter-Word and Inter-Base, perhaps
there's a minor change during further development of Inter-Sheet?

'*HELP' shows version number 1.06c.
'*H.IS.' gives the same output as Inter-Sheet from the 'Mega3' ROM.

Can anyone confirm that installing the first ROM only, no logner
gives a features down sized working environment, and the second ROM
is /always/ necessary?



Johan Heuseveldt <johan@...              >
  aka  waarland

  The best place is a Riscy place
Time is nature's way of making sure
everything doesn't happen at once.

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