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Date   : Wed, 29 Aug 2007 13:40:17 +0100
From   : julesrichardsonuk@... (Jules Richardson)
Subject: Domesday machine

Mark Usher wrote:
> Hi
> What was the last price for a complete domesday setup as a guide?

Knowing what 'complete' means would be useful :-) I've seen any number of 
extra advertising, marketing feedback forms, fault report forms etc. included, 
plus I've never been quite sure what the 'official' core documentation was as 
there seem to have been a few written to cover Domesday.

Plus I suppose they all came with a VP415 user guide, Master Welcome guide, 
65C102 copro user guide, and manual for the trackerball... (not sure about the 
latter; I believe technically it was an optional extra rather than part of the 
core package, although I've never seen a setup without one)

I bet one that was truly complete with all packaging, and with pristine 
documentation etc. (and without a broken media box hinge ;-) would go for 
around ?750, but one that was in good condition and have all the vital bits 
would be somewhere around ?500-?600. Bit of a stab in the dark though based on 
prices for other 'rare' Acornia, and taking into account the system's wider 

That ?200 one Steve mentioned seems like an extremely good deal given how 
prone to failure the players are.



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