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Date   : Wed, 29 Aug 2007 11:51:20 +0100
From   : chris.priest@... (Chris Priest)
Subject: Econet oddities

Rob wrote:
> I believe there is some recomendations as to cable length, but I never
> had problems with my home made network boxes, which was usually four
> sockets in parallel at either end of a ~2M length of cable!
I'll check that, I have 4 socket boxes each connected with approx 1m of 
cable between each box, the cable is screened 4 core from maplin, I have 
some twisted pair, maybe I should give that a go.  a point to note, the 
boxes are SJ research ones and the krone blade terminals were a tad 
knackered (another source of problems!)  so I soldered the cables 
directly to the circuit board, I have done a test, each pin is wired 
correctly and there are no shorts.
> However, with your terminator issues, it definitely sounds like
> cabling issues to me.   What sort of cable is it that you are using?
> For best results, you need twisted-pair (a pair each on the clock and
> data lines) rather than the 'straight' cables you find in audio
> connections.  (and whose cables often find their way into econet as
> the DIN connectors are mainly used there too.) Shielding would help in
> a very (electrically) noisy environment, but shouldn't be needed
> normally.
The cable is shielded, the shield being used as earth.

> I've not had cause to make up any cables recently (i.e. in the last 15
> years..) but I would think that using some Category 5 network cable
> would do the job.
> Other than that, you can try slowing the clock down (usually by a row
> of jumpers inside)...
> Rob
have tried to slow the clock, but it doesn't appear to solve the 
problem, might see if I can obtain another clock or possibly spring for 
one of Ian's clocks :)

Thanks for the tips Rob, will give that a go.


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