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Date   : Wed, 29 Aug 2007 10:48:11 +0100
From   : chris.priest@... (Chris Priest)
Subject: Econet oddities

Hi All,

Wondered if I could run something past you all..

Have two masters running econet, one is running Level 3 FS, the other 
has the ANFS rom loaded into sideways ram at present.

I can log onto the network OK, issue commands etc, but whenever I try to 
save a larger than normal file to the file server, it starts to save and 
then stops, the client eventually coming back with a Not Listening error.

Now, I had major troubles even getting the *I AM command to work, this 
was due to having the terminators fitted!!  Could this be because the 
cables linking the socket boxes are quite short?  Less than 1 metre 
between them.  Removing the terminators allowed the network to function 
to a degree, Well, it pretty much all works with the exception of saving 
larger than average files (the file in question was the xfer basic 
file)  if I create a small 5-10 line program, it'll work fine.

I am using an American Clock, the black box with white label on it etc, 
symmetrical, also wondered if this might cause an issue as well.

Any thoughts anyone?

Best Regards

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