Date : Tue, 21 Aug 2007 13:48:25 +0100
From : Steve.Lancaster@... (
Subject: GoMMC help
Hello all,
I was wondering if somebody could help me out with a GoMMC related matter.
I have a Master 128k. I installed the GoMMC as per the instructions.
However, although it recognises MMCUP, it will not recognise the MMC card
whatsoever (I have tried two Kingston MMC cards - one 512Mb, one 1GB, and
a non branded 32 Mb card).
I have tried the GoMMC on two Masters, but get the same result.
When trying to format the MMC using *MMCFO - I get the message "Failed to
detect MMC size". I have managed to format the MMC cards and transferred
some disk images to them by using GoMMC Explorer - but by using *MMCLIST
on the Master a flashing cursor appears - but no list of MMC contents.
The command *MMCINFO does not work at all.
I have tried using GoMMCio.exe, along with GoMMC Explorer it formats the
MMC and transfers images absolutely fie - but does not work on the Master.
I have also tried the "recovery" method (where you change the jumper on
the GoMMC, and use *MMCWI) - but get the same result as before.
I have, in addition to the GoMMC, a Toolrom v 1.02 inserted in the Master.
I have asked John Kortink to have a look at the GoMMC which he has done
and he tells me that there is nothing wrong with it and has not been able
to find any problems. John is about to send it back to me - I am writing
this post in the event that I get the same result again.
Either I cannot grasp the instructions, or am blatantly doing something
wrong, or one of my computers is at fault (or a combination of all three)
I have just about run out of ideas and if anybody has any ideas or
suggestions I'd be most grateful.
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