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Date   : Mon, 20 Aug 2007 10:07:04 +0100
From   : julesrichardsonuk@... (Jules Richardson)
Subject: 32016 copro speeds

Jonathan Graham Harston wrote:
> The 32016 external CoPro I have here has a 12MHz crystal in it, so
> I assume it runs at 6MHz. 

Yep, they all seem to be divided down - there's likely a -6 speed suffix on 
the CPU (and support ICs).

> It is fully populated with 32 RAM ICs.

I think technically there were two variants of the 'small' board - one with 
256KB and one with 1024KB (same board, just different RAM chips and link 
settings). I've never come across one of the 256KB ones, though.

There's quite a few links on the 'small' board. Note the two '1MB' links next 
to the DRAM, but on all the boards I've seen one of those links always seems 
to be set so it's not on the 1MB side. Maybe those links allow for different 
DRAM types when you have 1MB fitted, rather than controlling the actual amount 
of memory. Unfortunately I've got schematics for the 4MB 'large' board, but 
not the 256/1024 one.

Oh, and I've got one duff 1MB board here that reports anything between 512MB 
and 4GB of memory at init :-) I suspect it's just got a memory fault somewhere 
  (it's sitting on the "might look at it one day" pile, as it needs a new TUBE 
ULA too)



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