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Date   : Sun, 19 Aug 2007 17:05:15 +0100
From   : bbcmailinglist@... (Ian Wolstenholme)
Subject: Acorn Winchester formatting...

Your best bet for ST506 formatting is Superform which was
written for use with the Adaptec ACB4000.  There are various
versions of Superform floating about, the original MFM version
(which has a sectors-per-track value of 33 coded into it at
various points) and the RLL bodge which starts off with a new
variable at the beginning of "sector-bodge=47" but doesn't
have any changes to the routine which calculates the bytes-
from-index when mapping out defects so technically could
result in a disc with the wrong sectors mapped out for defects.

If you get hold of the one with the sector-bodge business in
it then just make sure this variable is set to 33 and you should
be fine with the ACB4000.

What model of Winchester disc are you using?

Best wishes,


----- Original Message -----
From: Jules Richardson [mailto:julesrichardsonuk@...]
To: bbc-micro@...
Sent: Sun, 19 Aug 2007 16:40:09 +0100
Subject: [BBC-Micro] Acorn Winchester formatting...


What are the options (in terms of utilities) for formatting a ST506/412 hard 
disk hooked up to an Acorn SCSI interface via an Adaptec (ACB4000) bridge board?

I know I've asked that before long ago, but can't find the messages now :(

I need something that'll take disk geometry from the user (by whatever means), 
and issue a low-level 'format unit' command before laying down an ADFS 
filesystem - i.e. not just something that does the last high-level bit only or 
which presents a hard-coded choice of disks.

A bit of googling suggests that Superform might be the best option - which has 
the bonus of being written in BASIC, so presumably I can spit it over a serial 
link from a PC to the beeb rather than screwing around trying to write a 
floppy. Comments / experiences welcome, though!



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