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Date   : Sat, 18 Aug 2007 23:46:38 +0100
From   : julesrichardsonuk@... (Jules Richardson)
Subject: Emulating Econet hardware?

Jonathan Graham Harston wrote:
> J.G.Harston wrote:
>> Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...> wrote:
>>> Hmm - didn't TorchNET make use of non-standard control fields? I'm sure
>>> there was something which made it incompatible with Econet at a pretty
>>> low level,
>> Interesting. I'll have to have a dig around in the code. I
>> wouldn't be surprised if it uses 8-bit addresses and no control or
>> port byte.
> Looking through the Torch code I can see no incompatabilites. It just
> calls OSWORD &10 and &11 to transmist and receive and all my Torches
> had DNFS 3.00 in them when I bought them from a working installation.

Hmm, it's bugging me because I can't remember where I saw all of this 
mentioned. It would have been in some Torch docs I suspect - the problem there 
being that I've got various ex-company 'internal' documents; I wonder if the 
original plan was to make it different but in reality they didn't...

> Of course, that doesn't mean that Torches communicated with the Torch
> Server using NetFS file server protocol, but there's nothing in the
> code that suggests that Torches communicating on the network would
> prevent non-Torches communicating on the same network.

Yes, it was definitely the latter that was implied in whatever I saw... I just 
wish I knew where I saw it :-) Good the hear that's not the case though as 
it'd make life a lot easier if everything could co-exist.

> I still need to get my Torch Server working again so I can recover
> all that lovely data locked away on the hard drive :)

What sort of server and what's up with it? I've got all sorts of Torch 
schematics, spares etc. tucked away (or course there's a fine line between 
"not working" and "too busy to configure" :-)

I want to make a start on sorting out my Torch stuff in a week or two once 
I've shifted some of the surplus Acorn items, so I'll be hauling it out of the 



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