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Date   : Sat, 18 Aug 2007 20:14:52 +0200
From   : eelco@... (Eelco Huininga)
Subject: [BBC Micro] Barcode Scanner

Peter Craven wrote:

> Recently reading a BBC ROM book that include barcodes of the programs in 
> the back. Remember Acorn User magazine also uesd these.
> Does anyone know how to make such a scanner??

The barcode scanner came with a bundle sold by Acorn User, named "The Barcode 
Reader Project". I don't think the reader was ever released as a DIY project, 
but it's a pretty simple device. I've just dug out my reader, and I can 
tell that it's nothing more than an infrared tx-LED, an infrared rx-LED 
, an opamp (LM324)and a voltage converter (ICL7660). I've just put a photo 
online at http://acorn.huininga.nl/pub/media/photo/Acorn%20User%20Barcode%20Reader%20Project/Barcode%20Reader.jpg
(2.2MB). As you can see, the PCB is nothing fancy, so I should be able to
reverse engineer a schematic from it.

There's a short length of glassfiber glued on each LED with what looks like 
ordinary epoxy glue. The ends of the glassfibers are fed into a small metal
tube, which comes out in the 'nose' of the reader. I think it should be pretty
easy to create one at home.

I'll work out the schematics within the next couple of days.


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