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Date   : Fri, 17 Aug 2007 12:59:54 +0100 (WET-DST)
From   : pcoghlan@... (Peter Coghlan)
Subject: Acquired Beeb with symptoms...

>The fact that pulling random chips seems to make a 
>difference just makes me wonder if it's not actually an interrupt problem 
>(although I'd agree with Sprow; that would have been my first assumption after 
>ruling out the PSU)

Maybe it would be good to take a step back and try to confirm or deny if it is
an interrupt problem.

With the disk and network systems inactive or disabled, there should be no NMIs.
A quick ?&D00 = 0 would clobber the NMI service routine should result in the
machine freezing or doing something else obviously wrong if you are gettin NMIs
when you shouldn't. If it doesn't freeze, press break after doing this to put
things right before trying to use the disk or network systems.

Regarding IRQs, how about the following piece of code which should measure how
many IRQs per second are getting generated. This could then be compared with
a working machine. Please bear in mind that this is completely untested and
unverified. Maybe someone who has access to a machine could try it out and
see if it works and make sure that I've got the correct vector addresses etc.
The FOR J% loop may need to be increased and tweaked to get a meaningful

Press break after running this to restore the IRQ vector. Running it twice in
a row without restoring the vector will hang the machine.

   10 DIM code% 256
   20 oldirqvec = &70
   30 counter = &72
   40 FOR I% = 0 TO 2 STEP 2
   50 P% = code%
   60 [       OPT I%
   70 .start  PHP
   80         SEI
   90         LDA &204
  100         STA oldirqvec
  110         LDA &205
  120         STA oldirqvec + 1
  130         LDA #count MOD 256
  140         STA &204
  150         LDA #count DIV 256
  160         STA &205
  170         PLP
  180         RTS
  200.count   PHP
  215         INC counter
  210         BNE finish
  220         INC counter + 1
  230         BNE finish
  240         INC counter + 2
  250         BNE finish
  260         INC counter + 3
  270.finish  PLP
  275         JMP (oldirqvec)
  280 ]
  290 NEXT
  310 !counter = 0
  330 CALL start
  340 TIME1 = TIME : COUNT1 = !counter
  350 FOR J% = 0 TO 10000 : NEXT
  360 TIME2 = TIME : COUNT2 = !counter
  380 PRINT "IRQs per second :" (COUNT2 - COUNT1) / ((TIME2 - TIME1) / 100 )
  390 END

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