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Date   : Mon, 06 Aug 2007 22:21:25 +0100
From   : C.J.Thornley@... (Chris Thornley)
Subject: Emulating Econet hardware?

You could simulate what you need in a FPGA? Or GAL? If you have appropriate

Shift registers (available very cheaply) could be used to move data to the
parallel domain and effectively latching data out at 1/8 the speed.

You could use one of these modules

An Ethernet to econet device would require some sort of router (not bridge)
software to be written. Perhaps hiding the econet datagram's in IP packets.
These could have class C addresses.

This will probably require some static ram and its own dedicated cpu.

The first thing that need doing is for the econet protocol / datagram's /
command, will need to be documented, in an easy to follow form. You should
not have to dies through about 3 technical manuals and a reverse engineered
bridge to figure out how it works.


               />      Christopher J. Thornley is cjt@...
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-----Original Message-----
From: bbc-micro-bounces+c.j.thornley=coolrose.fsnet.co.uk@...
uk] On Behalf Of Johan Heuseveldt
Sent: 06 August 2007 21:21
To: bbc-micro@...
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Emulating Econet hardware?


On Mon 06 Aug, Chris Johns wrote:
> On Mon, 6 Aug 2007, Alex Taylor wrote:

> > Would it be possible to emulate an Econet server and clock using a 
> > PC's parallel port, and suitable software and cabling? A little bit 
> > like my Commodore 64 setup, where I have a laptop and cable 
> > emulating a 1541 floppy drive. (Before anyone pounces on this, 
> > please don't start a flamewar about how parallel ports are obsolete, 
> > and this should be done with FPGAs/USB/FireWire/ExpressCard).
> IIRC, the problem with making anything to connect PC to Econet is 
> interupt latency. The ADLC only has a few bytes (i think 3 bytes?) of 
> buffer so you need to be quick to read and process the data before it's
gone for good.

And sometimes (=many times) the interrupt is only there when the FIFO buffer
is filled with /two/ bytes. That's why the TUBE software also has two-bytes
Meaning, the interrupt has to be served within 8bits time of network speed,
which can be as difficult as for an FDC.

> On the BBC this is done with NMIs (and FIQs on the arc), but I don't 
> think the PC has anything that can service an interupt in that sort of
> The Econlink ISA cards had their own processors to handle the econet 
> side of things, but that makes your design a lot more complicated.

Correct. It was an ISA card. I think nowadays the problem remains with
interrupt latency, although modern speeds could make it a bit better. I
think the problem remains though, as certain processor instructions can take
a long time.

The EcoLink card has its own processor system on board. There were two
versions. One with a Z80 from SJ Research, and one with a 6502 for which I
don't know the manufaturer. SJ Research too?
A year ago, there was one on Ebay. Anyone seen it too?

> If you have a spare beeb i guess you could connect it via the user 
> port to the PC's parallel port to act as a big "econet card".

Probably the best, and (still) quite a task as a software project! :-)


Johan Heuseveldt <johan@...              >
  aka  waarland

  The best place is a Riscy place
A mouse is an elephant built by the Japanese.

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