Date : Fri, 20 Jul 2007 10:53:02 +0100
From : dominic@... (Dominic Beesley)
Subject: Disc error 00
Hello all,
after a drying out period I tried my first disc drive (3 1/2") this one span
up but fairly quickly reports disc error 00 on known good discs whether reading
/ writing / formatting.
I'll take the lid off tonight for a clean. I don't remember hearing it seek
but that could be because its already on track 0?
Where should I look first? Are there any sensors that are likely to have
got mucked up?
[this is (as far as i remember) a fairly newish standard 3 1/2" drive inside
an old case with a little board for power and interfacing to the beeb with
jumpers for setting the id before connecting to the actual drive.]
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