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Date   : Tue, 17 Jul 2007 23:29:34 +0100
From   : hideki.adam@... (adam colley)
Subject: modern BBC remake


On 17/07/07, John Kortink <kortink@...> wrote:
> >ISTR that one of the 'everything in a joystick' tv-games you can buy
> >is actually a complete Commodore 64 + 1541 disc drive, totlaly
> >emulated.
> That's the popular view. Actually that thing is quite
> cut-down. It only plays a handful of rather mediocre
> games that happen to run on the part of C64 hardware
> that has been implemented.

Actually no, you're completely wrong, around 90% of games will work,
the only game I've seen that flatly refuses to run on the hardware is
shadow of the beast

There is no disk drive emulated, the tape routine is patched to load
from the flash memory, I wrote a small tool for building DTV
filesystems from normal c64 PRG files which can be found at
http://www.1984.org.uk/pogo/dtv/ - a small glance at the foo.ini will
show that quite a lot of software can work and in fact is working on

In my replacement flash fs that's on that page as well as the dtvbuild
tool you get 49 games including such classics as  Flimbo's quest,
Wizball, Delta, Zybex, Giana sisters, Tetris, Switchblade, Castle
master - There are also 15 apps including Simons basic and two basic

Also a glance at
http://www.1984.org.uk/pogo/C64DTV_solderpoints_PAL(V2).jpg will show
that far from it being a cut down machine, it's actually a fairly
complete implementation including IEC bus, PS/2 keyboard port, user
port and both joystick ports! the notable omissions are the pot pins
for the mouse and the tape/cartridge ports

Additionally, it has 2MB of RAM which you can use in your own code, a
Turbo mode where the CPU runs at several times the normal speed
(albeit with no video output) which you can use while decompressing
and a 256 colour video mode

Perhaps someone hasn't been reading documentation...


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