Date : Tue, 17 Jul 2007 09:02:01 +0100
From : robert@... (Rob)
Subject: Wiring HYBRID Music 5000 Synthesiser
On 17/07/07, Peter Craven <cjl_craves@...> wrote:
> *Subject:*
> Hello
> Can anyone explain (or direct me to information on) how to construct a
> wire to connect the 5 DIN socket of the HYBRID Music 5000 Synthesiser to a
> pair of PC speakers.
As far as I remember (connecting up a Music 500 about 20 years ago..) It's
absolutely standard. You could use normal DIN audio leads to connect it to
an amplifier.
i.e. It outputs Left and Right on pins 3 & 5of the connector, with 2
being signal ground. i.e., the ground pin is the one in the middle,
inputs are both
pins on one side, and outputs both pins on on the other. - (pins are number
1 4 2 5 3 as you read across, to be compatible with the old 3 pin DIN plugs
which only had pins at the 9, 12 & 3 o'clock positions.)
Your problem may come from using PC speakers. The Altec Lansing website
shows me that those speakers have a captive wire with a 3.5mm jack plug on
it, as input. Yuck. Your best bet would be to simply cut this off and
connect the cables inside to a new 5 pin DIN. Shields to pin 2, cores to
pins 3 & 5. (I think it's 3&5 anyway.. might be 1&4... try it..)
If you don't want to do that, then you'll need a 3.5mm socket to DIN plug
adapter. I don't know of anywhere that sells these, so you'll probably have
to make one. Just connect sheld on the socket it to the centre pin on a DIN
plug, and the other two connectors to pins 3 & 5 on the DIN.
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