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Date   : Mon, 16 Jul 2007 00:47:04 +0930
From   : rafg1@... (rafg1@bigpond.net.au)
Subject: re. Century and time on the Master 128.

Hi folks,

James Fidell has kindly let me post a listing on his website 
of a different way to get the Master 128 to print the century
correctly (or however you want to enter it into your machine).
Please have a look at it.

Firstly, let me apologize for spelling errors and some of 
the programming which can be tidied up somewhat, 
but this is my very first version ( 0.65 ). I am only programming
for the default time string at present.

I use the slow data bus for direct access the 146818 RTC
registers and work with the contents of these. I also use
CMOS RAM to hold the current century value over power

There is a *Century command to adjust centuries to 
whatever one wishes.

If anyone is interested, I will supply a disc, if necessary, 
at cost plus postage and packaging, at the most, 
(from Australia) with programming in either DFS or ADFS,
3.5 or 5.25 inch, to anyone who can make any programming
contribution that I feel is going to be of substantial benefit, 
and which I have not already got under way myself.

Automatic century updating (eg. 2099 -> 2100, etc.) is
already operating in the next version. I doubt that I will
be around to see this happen in reality, though!

Osword &0E needs indirection so it would be wise 
to blow the ROM image into an Eprom and put it 
into ROM slot 8, even more importantly as bugs are 
ironed out over time. Surprisingly, it is not a very long,
nor complex program.

As for bugs etc., *BUILD <fsp> currently causes a
null file, so best to use EDIT; and anyone who might
be using my *RESET command (for Panel in Eprom/
ROM image/utility function, etc.) will simply get the
time string (correctly) printed out, for the moment.

Please keep me posted on anything else that is 
of note or if you have any questions.

Best wishes,

Raf. Giaccio

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