Date : Fri, 13 Jul 2007 08:18:55 +0100
From : dominic@... (Dominic Beesley)
Subject: Using a TFT screen for Beeb output
I'm no expert on the BBC ouput hardware but would it be possible to hack
the hardware to output the same line twice at double speed or would this
be asking too much of the hardware? I've often wondered when I've been rearranging
all the monitors on my desk!
----- Original Message -----
From: Alex Taylor
To: bbc-micro@...
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 4:41 PM
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Using a TFT screen for Beeb output
On 7/12/07, neil f <faz@... > wrote:
I have a TFT screen that has two switchable inputs, one of which
is currently unused. Both inputs will accept 1V RGB and
composite sync according to the spec. Vertical bandwidth starts
at 50Hz, with horizontal starting at 30kHz. Assuming I attenuate
the Beeb's signals as necessary, is there any way I could get
the monitor to produce some sort of display?
I'm not an expert on this, but going by the figures you've just given,
I'm thinking that this isn't going to work. This is based on the 30kHz figure
you've given, the Beeb's PAL output having a line rate of 15kHz. Unless of
course you use some kind of scan-doubling device - I'll leave discussion
of those to others :-)
Alex Taylor
bbc-micro mailing list
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