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Date   : Sun, 01 Jul 2007 21:03:27 +0100
From   : peterbilt@... (Paul J)
Subject: Domesday Attempt

I sold my Master AIV computer Today, the seller wanted to see it working
with his laserdisk player, so he brought it with him and we had a go at
getting this domesday system working. I decided to sell as finding the
components I needed was proving more difficult and expensive than I had
anticipated; although I think the hardest thing to source is the SCSI card
in the Master AIV. Also was not sure what I would do with it once I got it
all together and working, probably use it for a few hours then it would be
consigned to a corner in my spare room.

The buyer had a nice set of manuals for the Domesday system, unfortunatly
they gave us no clue to the problems we encountered trying to get the system
working. In the end we had to call it a day, but we managed to mount the
laser disk, list the catalogue, play some video content, and get the genlock
overlay to work. I'm sure we are close to get it working.

When we tried to boot from the laser disk, we see the header message
initialising the domesday system, but shortly after the program aborts with
a message stating the sideways ram is not configured correctly. Does anyone
have any clues ?

The guy decided to buy the Master AIV from me as we had proved all the
hardware was talking to each other correctly, this last hurdle seems to be
some configuration issue. Please get in touch if you can possibly help (or
knowsome who can), so I can pass email address to the buyer to follow up.

I'm just pleased to see a complete domesday system in the flesh, and my
master AIV is now part of a complete domesday system instead of just being
used by me as a standard master.

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