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Date   : Wed, 27 Jun 2007 14:16:26 -0500
From   : julesrichardsonuk@... (Jules Richardson)
Subject: Zicon LAT3 logic analyser system

Anyone ever seen one of these in the wild? Zicon appear to make (or did make) 
logic analysers, but it seems they also did a ruggedised BBC micro which sat 
underneath and hooked up to their equipment for control purposes.

The BBC side was in a big metal instrument case with a hinge-down front 
containing the keyboard, and two vertical HH 5.25" drives in the chassis 
mounted to the right of a small display screen. I've no idea if they built it 
in-house or whether it was bought in from elsewhere and some Zicon branding 
slapped on it.

Unfortunately I only have a two-page advertising flyer and nothing more, and 
it's not heavy on detail. Couple of nice pictures (one B+W) though.

Oh, there's another flyer about another Zicon analyser; on the back page of 
that one it shows a BBC micro connected to two Hantarex display monitors, each 
displaying a separate image. Not quite sure how that was done (unless one 
display is secretly coming straight from the analyser, rather than the BBC 
somehow driving two displays at once)



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